Saturday, March 16, 2024



$58,000  | carey.shine @

Friday, December 4, 2020

fun times

The world is going by so fast these days. So many things to do, and places to go, fun to be had by all. We have been having adventure after adventure. We got a new crew member, Willow. Roxi and DrifterDude are teaching her the ropes of the sailboat life. Swimming, kayaking, paddle boarding, bird chasing, and the most important one, napping.

We hope in these crazy times, ya’all are being safe, and watching over your loved ones.  Be happy, and live graciously 

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Carey the Canvas Guy

   Carey the canvas guy has spent the last couple of weekends on S/V Cerridwen.
He started with making a whole new Main sail cover, that turned out fabulously. Then last weekend he cut the dodger window covers, and then this weekend he made the dodger windows.

  We have been planning on getting them done, but you know how life somehow gets in the middle of getting things done around the boat.
 It's hard to believe we have to start readying the boat for winter.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Stretching It Out

 Well it looks like we will be sticking around the Bay/Delta area a little longer than anticipated. Cap'n Carey has signed up for a work extension plan. His job has turned into a bigger adventure than anticipated.  He can't help but be the awesome worker that goes above and beyond. It is in his blood.  We have accepted the fact that sticking out another year or so is not going to be that bad. He got an offer that he tried to turn down, but the benefits and cruising budget just got alot bigger, which means we will be able to stay cruising ALOT longer, and will still have a job offer when we decide to hang around land to re~build the kiddi, in Florida, or someplace like that.
  The stay there at Glen Cove had been fun. Especially since we had a couple of friends on Shear Water, that moved there from Benicia Marina. The kiddz enjoys playing in the surf on the other side of the levee. Roxi just walks out into the water and swims around, DrifterDude is starting to enjoy the water like Roxi. When Roxi does something he has to do it too.
  We are going to stay at Owl Harbor for the winter, it is alot milder than the freezing fog, wind, and rain. We still have these here, but at a slower rate. the wind doesn't howl for days, soaking everyone, every time you leave the boat. we all Love the ambiance that Owl Harbor offers. The people here are incredible. Nice, thoughtful, caring, FUN, etc. They are always concerned about your happiness here too. The wildlife here is amazing. This time of year we have the migrating Canadian Geese. the sky goes dark with them, and the noise they make is deafening at times.
We have been working away at getting things done on the boat, so that when it's time to go, we just go. She could leave right now if we needed to leave, towards Mexico, we could just get provisions, and go.  That is a humbling thing to say.
  Christmas season this year feels a bit different. Knowing that next year we will be on our way, or already in Mexico. The whales right now are hanging out with their calves, getting them fattened up for their journey north. So I am sure that there will be plenty to talk about, and show the images that we have filmed.
  So much to do, and plenty of time to do it.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The Beginning Is The Hardest Destination

  Wow time sure has flown by, we have been busy with all kinds of projects, and life is wonderful.
  It has taken a little bit longer than we anticipated. Unfortunately that proverbial time slippage, that always happens when your goal is an open end deal. The beginning is the hardest destination. When the destination begins, everything must be in place. The whole plan  has got to be expected. You have to expect anything to happen.  IE the following sea may wash the BBQ propane bottle over, if you do not have the proper tie down system. The Ditch Bag has got to have a certain first aid kit, for emergencies. The kayak must be in it's bracket, that is also foldaway, when the kayak is uninflated, for when making crossings etc.  You have to have provisions for at least a week, most of the time you can pull into port and get more fresh provisions, some times rice, and flour, are really good things to have aboard, extra, for the ports that have families that will trade a fish, or a chicken, for them. I have heard they really like soda pop, and can't get it locally.
  I find myself thinking about when we finally take that left turn just pass the Golden Gate Bridge. The last time we actually pass under, and never look back. Knowing that the next Destination, is not necessarily where, or when we get there.
  So the most important thing, is on the list of the , , ,
 "Will this make our boat safer and stronger??"
Why yes it will.
 There are so many projects,  I am working on getting some of the projects translated.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

The Mastest

  We are here, and stickless. As soon as we hit dry land they took the mast off. It looks odd, and it feels pretty weird, sitting below, listening to the wind howl through everyone elses rigging, seeing the palm trees swaying, and not feel the boat dancing in the water. As soon as we get used to it being still, we are going to be getting back in the water.
 We have been working the hardest right now on the wax stripping, above the water line. Our Cap'n. figured out a method of rolling the Smart Strip, rinse with Hot/Warm water, waitng a couple minutes, scrubbing , spray with Simple Green, scrub with a green Scrubbie, super spray it with water, spray with Simple Green, clean the mess, and rinse with super power water, and vwahlaw, clean. 
  I am working on stripping the 'non~skid' from the whole top~side. The Smart Strip is pretty cool stuff, it is 100% biodegradable, and odor free. It has a tiny smell, but not a chemical kinda smell. This stuff has to be covered with plastic to keep it from drying out.  I am doing it in sections, because I have to block off the kiddz racetrack. They do laps all the time.
  We went and spent the afternoon at Glen Cove Marina, and visited our friends Dave & Kelly, on 'Shear Water'. We picked out our slip, #181. When we launch, around the 1st of June, we will head straight to our slip
The only thing really we are lacking now is experience!!!!
  We decided to paint the mast head RED. Which can be seen for quite a ways over water. We are also going to put 2 white with reflective tape strips, so we will stand out while coming back from shore, when there are alot of boats in the bay/marina/mooring field , , , .etc.
  The Cap'n did a bunch of wire replacing. He also replaced both of the spreader lights, we might actually be able to see the deck at night. The lights that were on it were filled with sand, and not very bright to start with, all yellow and old. We replaced them with LED's. We have LED's throughout the boat now. Replacing everything as we go.
  One step at a time

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Meet Max

  The Maxwell windlass has been an ongoing process, since even before our S/V Cerridwen came into our lives. The windlass was high on our prerequisite list. You know, the list you make before purchasing a house, or a car, or truck. The 'gotta have' list that has to meet certain guide lines. The list that started out 'standing room throughout', because on alot of boats you just don't get the stand up room.
 All through the entire 'Blue Water' prep that has been going on, the 'Anchor Retrieval System' has been getting done, one small step at a time.
  It all started in the Battery banks, the wiring, the placement of them, how much power do we lose per-foot of battery cable, what size wire we need, should it be connected to the house bank, or should it have one of it's own, as well as where should it be located.
We decided to run it directly from the house battery bank, under the settee, where the chart drawers were. He installed all the necessary wiring, and charging bank, ran the wiring from Max directly to its own breaker box, and Max feeds now off the house bank, which is separate from the starting batteries. There was a tremendous amount of figuring out the whole process, one step at a time.
  Alot of the thinking went on where and how to put Max. The Cap'n thought of a bunch of scenarios, of which we decided that Max be just off center of the bow, to allow the chain to be brought straight out of the water, and down the pipe to the chain locker.  We have hundreds of feet of chain, that the Cap'n is glad he doesn't ever have to pull up and feed the chain locker by hand again... 8-)
  The last part is the hatch for the locker itself.  He cut the hatch door in half, and fiberglassed in a new support section from above and below the deck.  We will paint the hatch also when we paint the new non~skid on, later, when I finish getting the last of the non~skid off.  Which I will get done by the end of this week. I hope, , ,
  More on the non~skid later, bunkmate