Sunday, May 12, 2013

12 more payments

We are 1\2 the way through our payments, and we are so ready to actually be sailing and cruising. Our professional lives are starting to be getting in the way of our sailing life we are ready for.
It was so cool getting to see Debbie & Joe at the boat show in SanFrancisco. We did a lot of checkin into stuff at the boat show. Measuring things and getting some prices on high expense items, that are going to be some of the last minute things, choosing the kind of refrigerator configurations that we feel the size of the freezer space will allow, and that will fit our needs.

The Cap'n came prepared basicly, putting the galley back together. They aren't set in stone yet, we have to pick a sink first and finish the icebox, but its nice to have a counter to make coffee on again.  bunkmate