Monday, March 31, 2014

Workyard Time

Monday March 31st, 2o14
We made it safe and sound on the move. We still have a ton of stuff that we need to get rid of. I just couldn’t let go of a bunch of clothes, including my T-Shirt collection. But it looks like that needs to be gone thru too.  We have rented a storage locker which we have filled up with stuff that has to be weeded thru. But, we are here!! The first step moving onto Reunion/Cerridwen, Rearranging this spot, to put this in, and rearranging this spot top put that in, and rearranging the drawer to put the stuff that doesn’t fit in there anymore, because there is too much of that to fit in there. !!
We had a break in the rain yesterday, so we jumped in the car and ran around to our marina selections. It turned into a pretty nice ride. There were three marinas that we narrowed it down to, So the trip was to finalize. And we picked , , , , drum roll please,,,,,,Benicia Marina. It sits right at the end of town, with lots of grass for the kiddz to play on. And it is walking distance to stores and such. There are some pretty spendy condos all the way around the marina, with restrooms, showers, and close to laundry facilities.

April 1st we move to the workyard =] And get my unemployed butt to work on getting her ready to splash =].

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Everyone has their own idea of time. Sometimes you can never have enough, and sometimes you have too much on your hands, sometimes time is against you, and sometimes you lose all track of time.
It has come time to put in my 2 week notice at my job, that I have had for, going on 15 years. I have been a 'Customer Satisfaction Manager' for 10 of those years. I have gotten to know alot of my customers as friends, that come to visit a couple of times a week. Also, most of my co~workers have come to be my family. The majority of my new family know that I am leaving soon. Everyone else thinks that it is coming soon, but they don't know that it is at hand.
So we have sold everything, well almost everything. The only things we have left to sell, are the stove, the microwave, and the microwave stand/butcher block, and more stuff to give away, but they have to come and get it, and the rest goes to good will.
We miss our Cap'n, but we are right behind him in a couple of weeks. woop woop    Bunkmate

Sunday, March 2, 2014

we are 'Movin' On Up'

Well the time has come to head on down the road. Cap'n Carey has taken a job in Napa, so  he left us in Medford, to wrap things up, while he gets everything in order for when we join him. I still have to stick it out at my work for 1 week, until I can put in my 2 week notice, and join him at the boat.
I have been getting things all cleaned and put in order, but I have alot more stuff to do. I have soo much to do. It's gunna be a long month, but totally worth it. =]
