Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Trailer Trip

Well the vacation was fabulous!! We had sooo much fun. We got alot accomplished. While tearing the head apart, to find where the mold is coming from, we found a couple of spots where the water could be coming from. We thought it was coming from the stantion. Then while the Cap'n was emptying the ice chest, the water came pouring into the head. We tracked it down to where the gate is, on the port side, There is plate that has 4 visible screw holes, and 2 that are under the plate, I'm assuming they had some silicone in them at one point, when there was no need for the other screws.? The only bad part is we finally figured it out the day before we left. We pulled the trailer full of the doors, cabinet doors, drawers, etc. anything that we could take home, the boom, the hard dinghy, the head mirror, the ceiling boards, window frames, , , . The Cap'n has been busy sanding and varnishing, and sanding and varnishing. Saturday he was so happy that he finally has some finished product. The picture is the unfinished frames. The Cap'n will be going down to Napa, next weekend by himself, to get the motor set for sitting awhile. He started to do this while we were there on vacation but he didn't have the right stuff to get it completed. Now he has all the stuff to get it done. And he wont have me and the kids in his way.
   Our next vacation is coming up in September, the 7th thru the 16th. But I'm thinking we will be taking a couple of long weekends in between vacations. I think both of us are having a hard time staying away from her.  bunkmate