Monday, July 15, 2013

Big Changes

Well, alot of things have changed this week.  Cap'n Carey has had some changes at his work, sooo it looks like our plans have jumped up,,,, about a year.....
    His job has just about ended, -right after his paid vacation-. So we are going to spend the week contemplating on our future, we are definitely  moving to Cerridwen. where we want to have her be when we do this, is the question. Do we want to do this in California?? Or do we want to have her shipped to the Puget Sound?? This is going to be the question that we will decide on our vacation.
     Our whole lives are going to be moving in the forward motion, Fast motion. Fast, a year fast, a whole year fast, motion.
     We will know the best scenario when we get back from vacation.
   We are taking the rest of the galley, cabinets, doors, etc. down with us to put everything we can together, and get rid of of a bunch of stuff when we get back.
WOW, a big move comin' up.
Here we go!!!!
