Sunday, June 6, 2010


Well it's down to just 3 days till we head out. This morning when I got up, the Captain was eager to chat about the things he done while I was sleeping. He still wasn't able to get Oak Harbor Marina to answer their phone, so he called Cap Sante Boat Haven, in the Port of Anacortes, and they had a couple of 30 ft slips available, so he reserved a slip. Our slip for the summer is F78, on the port tie. It seems we thought it was fun not knowing where we going to be, but now we are glad to not have the stress of 'not knowing', and that's one more thing we don't have to do when we get there. The Captain unstepped the mast, by himself, (aaarrg) yesterday while I was at work, so he spent the day today making sure everything is tight and not flopping for the 10 hour trip on Wednesday, again while I was at work. So I think I better get on the packing. He was saying that all we need now is the sign that says 'Anacortes or bust'. alright I'm off to do the bukmate stuff, stay tuned for more later... bunkmate

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