Monday, June 9, 2014

Thursday Splash

  This is the last 'hurry~up~and~wait'. We launch this thursday. So we spent this weekend getting the wires, hoses, washers, screws, pliers, wrenches, hose clamps, through holes, grease, etc. all in place, making sure nothing is going to leak, the engine will run, the everything is where it is supposed to be. Today I will be going thru the closets, (again) and cabinets to get all the life vests etc. ready. With all the construction going on, somehow all kinds of dirt has landed in some pretty odd places. I will have time for dirt later. The Cap'n had time to give her a good brushing with her bath. With the Sheer strip and Rub rail done, we won't have to worry about the fenders rubbing on the sides. 

 While checking the engine Cap'n Carey noticed a nice big crack in the 'exhaust mixing elbow'. Luckily Napa Marina is a Yanmar dealer. Hopefully that was the only thing that could happen, would happen. The part plus gasket, will be here before we launch, if not, we will just have to wait at the dock, because we WILL be in the water. WOOP WOOP

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