Saturday, July 5, 2014

1st 4th


  What a blast. We are so lucky to be able to live in this courageous country.  We spent our first Independence Day on our beautiful girl Cerridwen, in our new home port of Benicia. We were going to go to the raft~up, but that didn't go so well so we decided to go to town and see what we could find. So we jumped into the "Heather Marie" (the dinghy) and rowed over to the marina side. We walked the whole 2 blocks to get downtown Benicia. It was pretty hopping busy while we wandered around, trying to figure out what we wanted to eat. And beings as it is 4th of July, and that kinda requires you to BBQ, or eat BBQ, we decided to go to Kinders. They have a pretty courtyard in the back, that was perfect for the kiddz to hang out while we eat, and have a beer. Kinders was pretty busy, as usual. They are a sandwich/deli/BBQ place that has delicious everything. 

  By the time we got back to the marina things were starting to pick up. People were everywhere. The banks were lined with excited people, anticipating the fireworks. Most all the boats in the marina had people on them, and some had alot of people on them. It was a blast.
  Cap'n Carey had set up the fore deck with our chairs, a sleeping bag, and music. So as soon as the sun went behind the marina office, the kiddz and I went atop. We have the perfect slip to watch the works. The fireworks were lit right across the levee, behind the marina office, so the wind was blowing them right at us. Sailor was pretty scared though, he stayed under the sleeping bag, except for his head, he watched all the works. Shaking like a leaf.
  We went over to some new friends boat, Shear Water, which is a very nice sailing vessel owned by Dave and Kelly. Our Cap'n is in love with their canvas work they have done on her. They are a younger couple that has had their 5 year plan turn into a 10 year plan, but they still plan to go. however they are in no huge hurry while they both still have good jobs working for CalTrans. 


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