Furled at Last
We now have a furled Genoa. The Cap'n did an outstanding job. To me, the hardest part of all of it was the measuring and researching he did. He had measured the Forestay, which is the wire that is connected to the bow, and reaches to the top of the mast. The whole purpose for the furler is to have the sail up and ready to use. We had a hanked on Genoa, which meant that the sail had to be hooked on to the forestay every time we wanted to go sail, and the whole time we were at anchor the sail was laying on the foredeck, in the sun. We had a furler on SVSimplicity, and we loved the convenience, and ease, of pulling the sail out when needed. Also, you don't have to pull the whole sail out if the wind is ripping. The sail doesn't have to be taken down after sailing, and then store it somewhere.
We had to cut the 'hanks' off first, then we sewed a sacrificial sail on the edge, with a strip of luff tape, to feed up through the tubes
We had a chance to take it out and test it, and it is so awesome to be able to control how much sail you want out. If the wind picks up, we just furl the sail in a little, and never miss a beat.
It always sounds so simple to do, but it takes Cap'n Carey days of research, hours and hours, of calculating how many of this bolt size, and that size nut, how and where every washer goes, how many feet of sail we lost verses how much sacrificial sail we needed. How many feet of sheet (the rope connected to the sail) do we need to run down both sides, and also how much do we need, and how big does the sheet need to be for the furler itself, and where should it be mounted, which side of the boat do we need it to run down, and where to mount all the hardware to keep them out of the way while not under sail.
Our Cap'n is always looking to make things easier for me, because he knows that it is important to me, to be able to do everything, especially if something was to happen to him, I could be confident enough to know I could handle her without his help.
We are still, totally confident about our decision to follow our dream. And loving every day leading to our official departure.
Love it!!!