Splash Date Set
Well, We finally set the splash day, It is going to be on a Thursday, so we can have a three day weekend to get the Diesel fuel filtered from a guy that lives in Benecia. Which has also changed. We have been eyeballing a slip that is 42', here at Napa Marina. The job that he has right now, pays good, soo we will stay close for as long as the Cap'n deems to be up. I am working on *soon to be named* Cerridwen. When we splash we are going to do the ceremony. We are also going to do the ceremony to also name the hard dinghy. Heather Marie.
The puppy elevator will be put aside, I am soo going to miss the, one weinie down, two weinie down, one weinie up, and two weinie. The kiddz have been learning so much. I can't wait to just toss 'em in the cockpit.
We have to get a couple of more things finished. But it is going to be Thursday June 12, 2o14.The Cap'n took the Friday off. He just has to set the day with the marina. And the fuel filter guy Dusty.
Wooohooo. Cant wait!